Sunday, December 13, 2020

Why do you Baptise?


I baptize with water. Okaaaaaaaaaay, that’s not a why. We don’t get the He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit until 7 verses later.  And the eventual why we get is on the next day. John the Baptist baptizes so HE might be made known to Israel. In John’s Gospel the Baptist doesn’t have anything to do with repentance or forgiveness.

This is quite a contrast from Marks version which was read last week. In Mark, John the Baptist himself is forgiving sins. And he does so in Luke as well. Matthew equivocates that John’s baptism is for repentance, forgiveness he leaves for Jesus. By John’s Gospel however, none of that remains.

It would seem that the higher your Christology, the harder it is for mere humans to forgive sins. John’s Gospel doesn’t even have the Lord’s prayer in it.  Not our job to even forgive sins against us. The disciples are able to, but only after they receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost – so it’s not ever really them that do it.

We can’t have people forgive sins if our theology is that Jesus came into the world to save sinners – period, no other reason. To be fair John doesn’t even go that far. There are many different reasons why Jesus came in John’s Gospel. To do the will of the Father, to bring light to the world, to testify to the truth, to give eternal life, etc. Even when John does say that Jesus came to save, he’s speaking of the whole world, not individuals.

This led me to wonder what the other Gospels said about why Jesus came. In Luke’s Gospel Jesus came to preach the good news of the kingdom of God. Jesus also says he came to seek and save the lost. Jesus says this when people grumble about Jesus eating with sinners. This is a variation of Mark’s story when Jesus is critisied for eating with sinners. In Mark’s book, Jesus says that he came to call sinners, not the righteous.

I think the use of the word call here, rather than save, is Jesus summoning, or inviting, sinners to the banquet of the kingdom of God. I’ll remind you that the kingdom of God is NOT heaven. The kingdom of God that is to come is a new Jerusalem on earth. The kingdom of God among us is doing God’s will. Forgiving the sins done against us is doing God’s will as Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer.

For you see, God has already forgiven us. That is the good news. If only we could forgive others, if only we could forgive ourselves, then the kingdom would be here among us.

There is an amazing speech that Doctor Who gives to someone who is waging a war. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they're always going to have to do from the very beginning -- sit down and talk!

The person he’s talking to does not believe the other side would stand down if she did, “not after all I’ve done.”

The Doctor responds, “You're all the same, you screaming kids, you know that? "Look at me, I'm unforgivable." Well here's the unforeseeable, I forgive you. After all you've done. I forgive you. I did worse things than you could ever imagine, and when I close my eyes... I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count! And do you know what you do with all that pain? You say this -- no one else will ever have to live like this. No one else will ever have to feel this pain. Not on my watch.

This for me is a key point. ALL HAVE SINNED. We all hold somewhere, some version of that pain. No one is pure. Yet God has forgiven us. Humanity is in big trouble right now because far too many people turn that pain on others – or what may be worse, delude themselves into thinking they are pure and have no need of forgiveness and so have no need to forgive. It’s those OTHER people who have sinned.

That, my dear friends, has a lot to do with why the kingdom of God is still very far off in the future. So we wait. Advent is all about waiting. Waiting to celebrate the incarnation as well as waiting for the kingdom to arrive. In the meantime, do what you can to relieve the suffering of others. For we don’t even know what damage our pain can do.


Sunday, November 22, 2020


So this Gospel passage is often used to defend the modern notion of hell. So let’s get that out of the way. I’m an annihilationist, meaning I read the Gospel as a choice between life and death, not heaven and hell. Jesus contrasts punishment and life. He does not say punishment or reward nor does he say punishment or the bosom of Abraham. I say bosom of Abraham because that is the alternative to the fire used in the Lazarus and the Rich man parable. In Mathew 10:28 Jesus talks about the fire that will destroy the soul using a Greek word can also mean life.

That all being said it misses the whole point of this passage. As much as I would love use this as a hammer passage to chastise politicians that pass laws making feeding the hungry illegal, or who deliberately spread a disease for their own financial gain, or who lock the stranger’s babies in cages. That’s not the point of this passage either.

The point of this passage, as I understand it, is that if Christ is your King, your focus should be easing people’s suffering. Clobber passages have nothing to do with easing people’s suffering. To bring up a point I have made several times, the Good Samaritan did not seek revenge on the bandits, he tended to the wounds of the victim.

Tending to the victim does not make for stories that (to quote Eddie Izzard) that are good for eating popcorn. We blame the victim in our culture. The poor brought hunger on themselves. If you used “the Secret” (meaning if you wish hard enough) you’d never get sick. And we have no use whatsoever for people who’ve ever been in prison, much less those who are still in there. It’s better for the hero to kill them off in the final reel.

The kingdom isn’t like that. The kingdom will be full of people who care for others. People who care for others are bringing about the kingdom. Caring for others is about finding out what the other needs, not how YOU think they should be cared for. Something funders of charities don’t understand – the rich and the eye of the needle thing. Love IS the answer. Sadly, there is so much resistance to that truth. If you listen to our pop songs, even love is framed as a competition.

Resistance to the culture we find ourselves in is not going to be about fighting evil. Where anyone got fighting evil from Jesus’ words is beyond me. It will look like the Underground Railroad, getting slaves out of the South. It will look like hiding Jews in occupied Holland as in the Ann Frank Story. I bet you could eat popcorn to movies like that.




Sunday, November 8, 2020

How wise can a virgin be?


What if the foolish virgins never left to buy oil? What if they let their lamps go out, but stuck around anyway? I’m guessing they’d be as embarrassed as anyone who botches their job at a wedding, but they’d still have gone to the feast.

Now let’s talk about the “wise” virgins. They will not share their oil, and in fact it is they who send the foolish virgins out to buy oil – in the middle of the night. Would the market even be open? Are the foolish virgins foolish because they listened to the “wise” ones? Jesus doesn’t say the bridesmaids who came to the door after it was shut had even gotten the oil.

So what of the behavior of the so-called wise virgins? Assuming for the sake of the argument that oil represents faith, I can relate to the difficulty of sharing it, because my faith is rooted in my personal experience, an experience that no one else has had. Though some have had similar experiences – but I did not provide those experiences. I can guide people on their faith journey, but I can’t share my faith directly.

However in this story the “wise” give really shitty guidance – or at least some of them do. We know no oil was shared, but we don’t know who or how many suggested that the “foolish” go on a pointless errand. This brings to mind one of my biggest pet peeves about Christianity in America; people who convince others that they have to have all their shit together before they can approach God. That Church is for those who are so-called pure, and those who need Christ the physician do not belong there. You’ll find them in any church.

But these are all virgins we’re talking about, the inexperienced. So perhaps they’re all making honest mistakes. The true culprits are the groom’s entourage. The ones who have been with Christ and know better and still misinform virgins; clergy obviously, but also those who go along with them to avoid embarrassment.

You’d think they would rather be embarrassed and at the feast then to be told by the Son, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to err, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Blessed are we who were told we do not belong, who were sent away by the so-called wise, and still stayed for the consummation of the marriage - which is the “good part” anyway. In fact consummation of our love, not of possessions, is why many of us were condemned. Blessed are we who looked upon the shed blood of those like us, while the so-called wise pretended that they were pure. 

No doubt this was a challenge. Many of us ran out of oil, yet could not stay away so long that we missed the feast. In the early Church, being a Christian meant found family. Love in a world that treated people like possessions. I believe the marriage of Christ and the Church is the first true love marriage.

May we be loving found family to others who have been sent away.





Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost: Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32, Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 21:23-32


Are my ways unfair? Is it not your ways that are unfair? Ezekiel reports God asking these questions about Israel’s notion that what is just, what is fair is that children are punished for the sins of their parents. God does not condemn the child for the parents’ sins, but even forgives the sinner if they change their ways. That is what is just and fair in God’s eyes.

In my time I’ve heard many a protestant complain that Catholics believe you can be a sinner all your life and then just say confession on your death bed and get into heaven. That’s not fair to the people who have lived a righteous life.

Our Gospel points out that tax collectors and prostitutes can show the righteous the way to the kingdom. The subject of sex work comes up relatively frequently in the Gospels. I’ve noticed in the Bible study I attend that folks are uncomfortable talking about sex workers. Not that my fellow students of the Bible claim to be righteous, exactly, but they all think of themselves as “good people.”

But here’s the irony. There is now a glut in the sex worker market. It’s hard to find a job as a stripper. There are countless people on sex cams competing for viewers. As legal jobs you can actually survive on become scarcer and scarcer, people will seek out quasi-legal jobs.

Most folks I know under 30 can’t find full time work. Minimum wage jobs are near completely part-time in order to avoid having to pay benefits. And even then scheduling is such that most of them don’t even know how many hours they’ll get from week to week. That was true long before the pandemic.

Job scarcity and the dismantling of benefits are the unfair ways of the US. Compassion or respect for sex workers, is God’s fairness. How righteous are you if you look down on people struggling to survive - People who want to live? How can you love Jesus if you think the poor deserve their fate?

And the people I know personally in these situations are white. A fair amount of people of color I know working two minimum wage jobs, support themselves and their children cleaning houses in what would have been their spare time.

And there’s nothing more unfair than cops murdering black people when white people in the same situation aren’t even roughed up. I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, says the Lord.

In a bizarre twist of thinking, individualism in practice actually does make people pay for their parent’s fate – makes them pay for generations. The rugged individual comes out of the myth of the frontier: America as a wide-open land of unlimited opportunity for the strong, ambitious, self-reliant individual to thrust his way to the top. If you believe that then disadvantages of time, place, education and money are just excuses.

In 1960, the year before I was born, there were 30 TV westerns running in prime time. The Myth of the frontier was in your face, unavoidable. In the following few years the Civil Rights movement was only seen on the news if at all. I enjoyed watching some of those Westerns and I don’t even think there was evil intent behind most of them apart from the profit motive. Also it’s important to be critical of what we absorbed as children and how that influences us to this day.

And so I ask you, who are your tax collectors and prostitutes? Who would you be shocked to hear lead the way the Kingdom of Heaven? Truly I tell you, the looters and the destroyers of property are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you. For their anger is righteous. They know one’s life does not consist of possessions, something that Jesus told us. They know more than most that all lives belong to the Lord. That despite the messages we have absorbed – their lives matter.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Sermon for the tenth Sunday after Pentecost: 1 Kings 19:9-18 and Psalm 85:8-13 • Romans 10:5-15 • Matthew 14:22-33

Do any of you know what tacking is? It’s how you sail into the wind. It’s sailing in a zig zag pattern to catch a bit of wind in your sail, and then switch to the opposite direction when the sail starts to flutter. You cut across the wind diagonally because it’s impossible to sail directly into the wind. It takes a great deal of effort and attention. When tacking, if you zig too soon, or zag too late, you’ll be stuck in the water without any wind. When tacking, if you zig too soon, or zag too late, you’ll be stuck in the water without any wind. And yet, Peter forgot about the wind.

Imagine that, spending all your energy fighting something and then being able to forget that struggle, because your beloved teacher showed up. And then Peter does an amazing thing, and I don’t mean walking on the water. Impulsive Peter doesn’t just rush out to meet Jesus, he asks Jesus to command him to do so. And then he waits for Jesus to say, “come.”

The world feels kind of screwed up and crazy right now. It seems like there are too many things to address at once. And our efforts may seem minimal and fruitless, like tacking into the wind, where you advance very very slowly. And it’s easy to burn out that way. In fact burnout is inevitable unless you rely on something more powerful than yourself.

And before I jump into the metaphor of forgetting about the wind, I want to be clear I don’t mean sticking your head in the sand. Peter didn’t forget about the boat or the water, he forgot about the wind. He forgot for a bit what was against him. He forgot about the obstacles, the impediments, the things working against him. And he called on Jesus to tell him to do the impossible.

With his focus on Jesus, on God, he effortlessly did what shouldn’t be possible. And the minute he remembered the wind, he couldn’t do it anymore. Because acting out of fear, being reactionary will cause more problems than it solves. There are many people who will tell you the opposite of love is fear, and while I wouldn’t go that far, Jesus and the angels do often say, “Do not be afraid.” To that I will add, “Listen for the call.”

Because for once, Peter checks his impulse and wait to see if Jesus wants him to try this. This is called discernment. Some sort of quieting the mind, forgetting the wind needs to happen; listening for that still small voice. Play the scenario out in your mind, not out of fear, but to check the feeling in your gut. Will this bring us closer to the light or life? Or will this take us into the dark, the way of death. Then check it out with some trusted friend or spiritual guide.

Jesus does not mince words about the wind being against us. To live as a Christian, a lover and follower of Jesus, will get you in trouble with family and authorities, or at the very least invite their scorn. The authorities are not with us. And that’s frightening enough, without the information overload of all the problems throughout the world.

Do not fear the wind, in fact Jesus tells us to love the wind. Jesus does not mean be nice and polite to the wind. He doesn’t mean stop tacking and sit still in the water. In fact even though it takes great effort, tacking is very much like loving the wind. Okay wind I want to go that way and you’re fighting me. What if I just sail sideways and let you push me that way, maybe even fooling you that going sideways at an angle is actually pushing me forward. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.